Bruns Riverkeepers Alliance
The Bruns Riverkeepers Alliance is an invitation to our diverse and passionate community to come together to connect with, celebrate and care for the beautiful waterways of the Byron Shire.
Join us for our launch events from 16th-26th of October - 11 days by the river in Mullumbimby 

We invite you to be part of a movement to care for and restore the beautiful Brunswick - Durrumbil- River.  From it's source in the cliff faces of Mt Jeruslem to the sea,  we can each take action to contribute to the health of our river. Sign up to receive our latest news and special invites to our public launch events running from the 16th to the 26th of October 2024
Join us for our launch events from the 16th-26th October 2024 at the Community Arts Hub in Mullumbimby.
The space will be open Monday to Friday for an interactive and immersive exploration of the ways in which we can each be a riverkeeper.
FInd out all the details of our launch event here

The Brunswick River is a much-loved entity that flows through many of the major towns and villages of the Byron Shire. It’s hard to imagine a local person who isn’t touched by and doesn’t love this river.
Our initiative has emerged from the need for collective and catchment level action and caretaking to address the state of the river and the impacts of the 2022 floods.

Collaboration and coordinated action is key to our vision, as we see local landowners, indigenous custodians, scientists, council and other government agencies, environmental groups, local businesses, school children, and all who love and care for the river each playing a role.

Building on some excellent initiatives already active in improving river health, we seek to be guided by traditional knowledge as well as the best available science, and are developing a call to action to address key threats and negative impacts on the rivers health.
To express interest in joining the alliance, find out how you can support us and to receive an invite to our inaugural meeting by Submitting this form.
The word ‘alliance’ is key- we want to build momentum through the collaboration of all relevant actors. It's time to build a cohesive and coordinated alliance that can successfully work together to heal and restore the river. Join us in our mission !
 Stay connected and join the movement - Brunswick Riverkeepers Alliance

Thank you to all the local businesses and organisations for supporting Mullum SEED projects.
