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Get Involved: We are all Riverkeepers 
Join collaborative efforts to connect with, care for and celebrate the river.
A thriving Brunswick River starts with an inspired and passionate community. We invite you to become a Riverkeeper and join a growing alliance committed to restoring this vital waterway. Together, we can achieve our vision of a
free flowing, thriving healthy ecosystem whose waters are drinkable, fishable and swimmable for future generations.

 Connect to the river
The river has a voice- lets take the time to listen and amplify it.
Whether we fish, swim, boat or simply float in the river, or farm by its banks, there are unique connections and stories that can guide us and link us all together. Honoring the unbroken care and connection of First Peoples, deepening our own connections and understanding of the river as a vibrant living entity and a connection force across the landscape helps to reframe our relationships.

Care for the river
Be part of on ground actions to restore the river reaches and banks, regenerate riparian vegetation and bring back wetlands.
Engaging strategically across the entire catchment lets build resilience to floods and climate change, bring back habitat, while enhancing productive agriculture lands and sustainable human usage for future generations.

Celebrate the river
Celebrating the river’s integral role as a source of life and a connecting force around which our community gathers.
Participate in community events, storytelling, creative celebrations and cultural ceremonies that elevate and celebrate the rivers significance ensuring that joy and positive action are intertwined in our efforts.
